Following a
creative pursuit can sometimes be lonely and frustrating. Here are five books
I’ve found particularly inspiring because they contain practical advice from
other writers and artists who’ve ‘been there’:
Three Marriages: Reimagining Work,Self and Relationships by David Whyte
David Whyte
is a poet. Only indirectly about creativity, this book is about integrating our
work, our relationships and inner selves in order to live a fulfilled and
productive life. Writers often talk about finding 'balance' between day jobs, family and creativity - but Whyte's advice seems to be to knit them all together rather than think of them as separate. He includes nice examples pulled from authors’ lives.
Booth explores that small ‘pull’ that
makes us want to make art in the first place, and shows us how to fan those
flames. This book, ‘illuminates
the artistry we all practice, and it enables us to reclaim the fun and
satisfaction that is already happening unnoticed right under our noses’.
Creative Quest by Questlove
Creating a Life Worth Living: APractical Course in Career Design for Aspiring Writers, Artists, Filmmakers, Musicians and Others by Carol
This is an accessible
how-to-sustain-your-practice guide for emerging creatives. The book is
described as helping the reader
‘search memory for inspiration, understand his or her individual artistic
profile, explore possible futures, design a daily process and build a structure
of support.’ In the past I’ve drawn from this book for exercises for an 8-week ‘Developing
Your Creativity’ course.
Creative Calling: Establish a Daily Practice, Infuse Your World with Meaning, and Succeed in Work + Life by Chase Jarvis.
Chase Jarvis is a photographer who now runs a successful online learning portal. The book includes a lot of advice about how to find your 'tribe', network virtually and in person, and market your work.
What all these books endorse is listening to that early intuitive pull, exploring by doing, drawing inspiration from living, creating a regular practice (however short) and staying open to flow by letting go of expectations and setting out anew, each day, into uncharted territory. If you have your own recommendations, I'd love to hear them.
Heather Dyer is a consultant in writing for children. She provides writing
and publishing advice through The Literary
Consultancy, The Writers'
Advice Centre for Children's Books, and
privately. If you’re ready for feedback on your work-in-progress contact
Heather at
Heather’s children’s novel The Girl with the Broken Wing was one of Richard and Judy’s book club picks, and The Boy in the Biscuit Tin was nominated for a Galaxy Best British Children’s Book award. Heather also teaches creative writing for the University of the Creative Arts, and facilitates workshops in creative thinking techniques for creatives and academics.

Heather’s children’s novel The Girl with the Broken Wing was one of Richard and Judy’s book club picks, and The Boy in the Biscuit Tin was nominated for a Galaxy Best British Children’s Book award. Heather also teaches creative writing for the University of the Creative Arts, and facilitates workshops in creative thinking techniques for creatives and academics.
1 comment:
I hadn't heard of any of those books - thank you for recommending them!
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