Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Answers to Christmas Anagram Quiz by Lynne Benton

Happy New Year, everyone!   I hope you all had a really good time over Christmas/winter holiday, and that you've come back fully refreshed.

And for anyone who had a go at my Christmas Anagram quiz, here are the answers.  I hope you enjoyed doing them, and I'm sure most of you will have worked them out by now.  (And yes, to my reader who spotted my mistake: no. 7 was incorrect, having too many a's and only one c.  Sorry, everyone!)

1 Christmas Tree                                        16 Candles

2 Star                                                           17 Angels

3 Reindeer                                                  18 Sprouts

4 Jingle Bells                                              19 Stable

5 Mistletoe                                                  20 Santa Claus

6 Turkey                                                       21 Manger

7 Crackers                                                   22 Snow

8 Carols                                                       23 Shepherds

9 Mince Pies                                               24 Frankincense

10 Stockings                                               25 Mulled Wine

11 Presents                                                  26 Wrapping paper

12 Decorations                                           27 Gold

13 Tinsel                                                     28 Chocolates

14 Oranges                                                 29 Sleigh

15 Myrrh                                                     30 Poinsettia 

And, since this is my last blog for Abba, I also have to say goodbye. Now that I no longer write for children, but have begun writing for adults, I don't feel I can continue to justify my presence on this site, so with some reluctance I've decided to bow out.  However, I will keep reading other people's blogs and sometimes post comments.  There is so much of value here!

Meanwhile I'd like to thank everyone who has read my blogs over the last few years, especially those who have posted comments, and to those who organise it all so efficiently.

And I wish you all, wherever you are, a Happy 2025.  

Website: lynnebenton.com


Lynne Benton said...

Thank you, Penny!

Rowena House said...

Sorry to see you go, Lynne. Very best wishes for the future.

Lynne Benton said...

Thank you, Rowena!

Abbeybufo said...

I've been computerless for a week, so only just seen this, Lynne. Many thanks for the quizzes over the past few years. I'm glad to know I wasn't missing something obvious about clue 7, and will be able to tell the people I share it with that my set of answers is now ratified!

Sue Purkiss said...

You will be missed, Lynne! You're always welcome back for a guest post - maybe to update us on your venture into adult writing?