Monday, 20 January 2025

A Dream of Winter - Joan Lennon

Early this year, in the dark of the night, I listened to Michael Sheen reading this 'lost' poem by Dylan Thomas (which I can't figure out how to post here - but have a quick copy and paste - I promise it's a) legit and b) luscious.) 

 (The poem is called "A Dream of Winter" )

And I emailed myself something I wanted to remember in the morning:

Choose to be fearless - a message to my constricted heart and the words grown cautious and pooling in my veins.


Joan Lennon website

Joan Lennon Instagram

1 comment:

Penny Dolan said...

A lovely poem when I found it, and Sheen's voice fits it perfectly - of course!
(I couldn't get the Youtube link to work in this post either.) Nor find the text - no wonder it is lost!