Tuesday, 29 October 2024

Slump Time


I've no desire to write fiction at the moment. I might tell myself I'm going to, but then the moment comes and all I end up doing is sitting staring at the screen. Or the pen and the paper.

But... I can sit down and bang out a mini-review of a book I've enjoyed without any problems at all. They're almost always first drafts and don't take much more than 15 minutes apiece. And I enjoy writing them.

So the writing drive hasn't vanished. It's the type of writing. I'm curious as to when the phase will pass.

I'll close by offering links to my three most recent endeavours.







Sue Purkiss said...


Nick Garlick said...

Sue, sympathies for *your* situation. I've been re-reading some of my earlier posts and I see it's a recurring theme with me: no real inspiration. So I've decided to take a break. A deliberate break. just not try to write at all. Because staring at an empty piece of paper and getting nowhere is NOT good for the soul. Time for something else for a while.