Tuesday 9 July 2024

In among the icebergs - Anne Rooney


Not a proper post this month as I’m away in Greenland, researching ice and whales for different books. Greenland is amazing, but you’re very much at the mercy of the weather. For the first few days, it was very friendly. Now, not so much. The ice shown here was in Ilulissat, well inside the Arctic circle. It’s not shy and is easy to photograph, especially from a boat (top image) or a kayak (lower image). Whales are more elusive, which is why the whale here is trying to sneak off. Now I’m stuck in Nuuk as the weather was too bad to fly out. But never mind - I’ll go on a puffin safari, though I’ve no plan for (another) puffin book.

Hope you are all warmer than it is here! A bientôt!

Anne Rooney


Andrew Preston said...

I'd rather gained the impression that Greenland was a place that had been rather ruined by American military presence, sort of another Diego Garcia. And also the sterilization of indigenous women by Denmark, the colonial power. I think for now I'll just stay in this here relatively pleasant, green land.

Penny Dolan said...

What wonderful photos to see here on ABBA, Anne. Thanks.