Sunday, 14 January 2024

Carol Quiz Answers by Lynne Benton

Sorry for a very brief blog today - we have had two unexpected bereavements in the last week, and I completely forgot about my blog!

However, I knew I must give you the answers to last month's Christmas Carol Quiz, so here they are:


1 O Come all ye faithful -                           q Joyful and triumphant

2 Away in a manger –                                 o No crib for a bed

3 While shepherds watched their flocks by night -  m All seated on the ground

4 The first nowell the angel did say -      p was to certain poor shepherds in fields where they lay

5 Little donkey, little donkey, -                n On the dusty road

6 I saw three ships come sailing in -        r On Christmas day, on Christmas day

7 The holly and the ivy -                            d when they are both full grown

8 Ding dong merrily on high -                  s in Heaven the bells are ringing

9 It came upon the midnight clear          -          k that glorious song of old

10 Silent night, holy night -                      c All is calm, all is bright

11 O little town of Bethlehem -                h how still we see thee lie

12 Once in royal David’s city -                   g stood a lowly cattle shed

13 Infant holy, infant lowly -                     e for his bed a cattle stall

14 Long time ago in Bethlehem -                         t So the holy bible say

15 Good King Wenceslas looked out -     a on the feast of Stephen

16 We three kings of Orient are -                         i bearing gifts we traverse afar

17 Little Jesus, sweetly sleep, do not stir -  j we will lend a coat of fur

18 In the bleak midwinter -                      l frosty wind made moan

19 Hark the herald angels sing -               f glory to the new-born king

20 On the first day of Christmas my true love sent to me -  b a partridge in a pear tree

Hope some of you enjoyed it!

Proper blog next time, I promise!



Penny Dolan said...

Lynne, thanks so much for posting the answers. I am so sorry to hear of your sudden bereavements. January seems to take a cruel toll. Every sympathy.

Abbeybufo said...

Sorry to hear of your sudden bereavements. Many sympathies. One of my cousins died suddenly on a Boxing Day some years ago, and it's always a day of mixed feelings. His widow and children usually go away for Christmas and have moved out of the house where he died.

Thank you for setting up the quiz, which was well received around our family/friends group. 14 was the one that gave most people most trouble - including me! Even when we had established that the second line had to be 't', we were still scratching our heads...even though once I had solved it I did warn the other people I sent it to that some were known by titles other that the first line, and some were Christmas songs as well as carols.