Wishing you all a Happy May Day and a bright month ahead. despite all.
Sorry to mutter, but I am not well, It could be a summer cold, an attack of the virus or simply a lack of sleep. This leaves me feeling in an unusually grumpy mood - a fit of the Lezards one might call it, assuming one reads The New Statesman - and with an Awfully Big Blog Adventure post to write.
So, in this somewhat negative state, I made myself a little list, which comes with the following question - and I'm not sure I know the answer.
Titles in the Comments below.
1. Live close to one or more of the three main points of the golden triangle: London, Oxford or Edinburgh. (Brighton & Cambridge also included.)
2. Own a friendly, photogenic & biddable pet, preferably a dog.
3. Have a good supportive network and a fine sociable nature.
4. Appear youthful, attractive, interesting and, prefebrably, fit or thin.
5. Have access to another income when necessary.
6. Have lived an unusual life and/or possesss interesting skills.
7. Be comfortable & adept with using modern media.
8. Have links to someone within the creative industries and/or an academic circuit..
9. Be amusing, entertaning, charming and possibly musical.
10. Moreover, from teachers' and librarian's frequent RFP nominations, be male.
What do you think? Does any title leap out at you?
Is there anything l forgot?
However, perhaps I should also add:
Be in possession of a thick skin, a collection of good workable ideas, a persistent work pattern, supportive friends and family, health, strength and some time you can call your own. Plus resilience, hope and gratitude.
Have a great month!
Right. I'm off to find the Lemsip once more. Other meds are available.
Penny Dolan
No, Penny, I think you hit the main ones firmly on the head. Feel better soon!
Forget no. 10 - what do they know? You're fine on everything else! Hope you feel a great deal better very soon. xx
Now, what can you mean...?
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