Monday 21 March 2022

Sorry I am late by Anne Booth

I am so sorry I am late. It is the 21st March, which I believe is the first day of Spring, and I forgot to post. There has been so much going on - family members with Covid - various other things - and I just clean forgot.

I am going to  go back and read the other blog posts this month - and I recommend you do the same. I have already read a very exciting one about screen writing and want to re-read it. It's very exciting as it mentions earning money, and that is always very helpful and inspiring  for fellow writers to read!

I must write today. I have to take Barney our dog out for a walk. I have already lit a candle and have tried to pray for all the many things and people that need prayers. I know I will drink lots of tea. I will throw lots of balls for Barney our dog. I will look after/check up on family members who are ill and try to make sure that are OK,  be grateful I am not ill, keep out of the way of people as much as I can, keep testing, and hope I won't get it.

I hope that whatever is happening in your life, you can do some good things today - even if it is just throwing a ball for an excited dog, or reading a good book, or having a good conversation - off or online - with a friend, or watching the birds, or the clouds in the sky. If you are ill, I hope you get better soon. If you are well, I hope you stay so. If you are having a hard time, that it improves and you come out the other end, and that in the meantime, that you are sustained by love.

Maybe read some of the great blog posts here already written. Thank you to all those who were not late to post and did not forget. I appreciate your work!



Penny Dolan said...

Thanks for all your good and encouraging thoughts and suggestions here, Anne.

Hope that tomorrow feels an easier day!

Anonymous said...

'No problem
if you're late'
sez Jesus.
'I take all':
☆ ☆