Sunday 29 November 2020

Three jokes and an apology

    I've been writing a lot recently, and am close to finishing a new story. But I seem to have overdone it because all this morning - and as I write this - the joints in my right hand are aching. Since I really do want to finish my story by Christmas, I'm going to beg your indulgence, save my hand, and keep this month's blog VERY short.

    In its place, three laughs I've collected from the internet over the past few months. I hope to resume normal service by the time the next blog rolls round.


Joan Lennon said...

Do comforting things for your hand, good luck with the story, and thanks for the laughs!

Sue Purkiss said...

Love it!

Anne Booth said...

Thank you very much for those! And I hope your hand gets better soon.

Lynne Benton said...

Love these, Nick - sorry I've only just come to it!