Teenage magazines from my (distant) past include Look In, Smash Hits, Just Seventeen and Cosmopolitan. But the one I remember
most is Jackie.
I loved that magazine. I remember it
fondly as where I learnt how to wear my ra-ra skirt with panache, to talk to
boys as my school was single sex until 16, and how to manage my ridiculous
curly perm with an afro comb which was forever getting stuck.
I particularly liked the photo strip story which, as I
remember it, usually involved the teenage main character leaving her curling
tongs on while snogging the ‘dish’ next door and causing terrible burns to the
little sister she was meant to be babysitting. I have carried this somewhat
horrific scenario with me through life always triple-checking hair
straighteners are unplugged, but I digress. The point is, Jackie magazine and the Jackie
annual in my Christmas stocking were a formative part of my teenage years.
So I should never have looked back at one. Nostalgia is a
bad thing. Out to lunch with my teenage sons, we picked up the Jackie Annual 1977 which was calling me
from the charity shop window. A princely £1.50 later and sitting in the cafĂ©,
the boys were laughing hysterically but also rather shocked at the pages
within. They couldn’t believe I, feisty feminist Mum, had put up with this
rubbish. And looking back, neither could I.
It seemed constructed to make you feel bad about yourself
and especially the way you looked. Even if some of it is well-meant or tongue-in-cheek,
which to modern eyes seems like the only explanation, the steady drip, drip,
drip of the same stereotypes and insensitivity grinds you down. The most
shocking section was on clothes to fit your figure. I kid you not, it actually
says in the “Fatties” section: “Fashion can be frustrating when you’re fat. You
love all the latest looks but you know in your heart of hearts that they don’t
look as good on you.” And then helpfully tackles individual pieces. I’m amazed
I ever left the house.
There was no respite from feeling bad about your appearance
in fiction/reader’s true experience:
And I bravely read the makeover section for Tracy and Wendy.
My namesake who subjected herself to this process was deemed
‘pretty with a small face and large,
expressive eyes, but she does have one or two problems, just like everyone
else. Her nose is just a little too big, for instance, and she has a slightly
greasy skin that’s prone to outbreaks of spots now and again.’
Luckily, once Tracy wore blue eye-shadow her life changed (OK,
I wrote that bit).
Surely it wasn’t like this, week in, week out? I was only 11
in 1977. Maybe it was better in the early ‘80s, wasn’t it?
Never mind, let’s do one of those personality quizzes for a
bit of fun:
How dreamy are you?
1. When a boy hasn’t looked at you, let alone
smiled at you, for a whole month, do you daydream that you’re-
Miss World
A fashion magazine cover-girl
Sought after by legions of fanciable boys
The girlfriend of some handsome American
Again, what???
Or let's do something to develop our practical or creative
skillset with suggestions for 'things to do when your get up and go has gone…'
That’s just plain weird, Jackie.
Oh dear, Jackie. I’m afraid you and I can’t be friends anymore.
How things change …
I’ve had a run of articles recently in TEEN Breathe magazine. It doesn’t have celebrities or unrealistic
photo-shopped pictures of girl models. It has no photos – just beautifully
drawn illustrations, and it’s packed with articles about well-being and

A grizzled old Jackie
fan might start muttering about snowflakes and cheesy taglines but they can go
and rub a giant bean-can ice-cube over themselves because in this modern, crazy
world, I like that TEEN Breathe is
not consumerist or materialistic and has practical suggestions for how to spend
your time delivered in a friendly, positive manner. Most of all, it’s KIND. And
we want our friends to be KIND, Jackie.
So, what’s my conclusion. Times have changed. Thank goodness,
times have changed. It was heart-warming to see such disbelief and outrage from
the current generation. I’m also alive to my responsibility as an occasional
writer of articles for teenagers to do it well. I'll always keep in mind my own teenage
self in her ill-fitting ra-ra skirt stuck at home on a housing estate in Stockport
but wanting to change the world. One day.
Great post, Tracey. Those tips and hints still have the power to make me worry about how I look, even now. So much about "looks" and getting and - implied - being grateful for any boy's attention at all, and developing false "pleasingness".
Good wishes to the new TeenBREATHE magazine, too. Drawn rather than photographic images looks like a good start. I'll look out for it on the shelves - though I may, personally, be way out of the demographic.
Good grief, that's appalling! How on earth did we survive it?
I'm sure if I looked back at the North American equivalents like Tiger Beat and what not, I'd be just as appalled! Best to leave those mags in the past! :)
I wish times had changed out of all recognition but the likes of the Daily Mail sidebar suggest not. Glad to see the new mag.
Oh my word... the ice-cube tip!!!
Great post, Tracy!
Lovely post, Tracey. No wonder so many women of a certain age worry so much about how they look - they were carefully trained to by Jackie!
I think, from the other side of the gender divide and of a similar age, that the most notable difference is that magazines that aren't "for girls" are a little less likely to assume that their only audience is boys. Airfix Magazine no longer describes the kits as suitable for boys aged 12+; football sticker albums include female players; the Doctor Who Annual will have a female doctor, much to some people's dismay; and the war stories that are still a popular part of teenage-boyhood sometimes make a female character the protagonist (one of the pupils where I work was astonished to learn that female Russian fighter pilots weren't fictional, even if the adventures in his comic were). It's not until you get to an older age-group that men's magazines start talking about fashion and "how to look good".
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