Thursday 25 October 2018

WHAT CAN WE DO? – Dianne Hofmeyr


So how do we hope for a little gold fairy dust to be sprinkled on a new baby? As birthday parties go, Sleeping Beauty's wasn't too successful. And as far as book parties go, we definitely seem to be short on gold dust these days but at least let's eat cake... and make that a tiger cake! 

Today I'm unashamedly eating tiger cake and sharing the work of Jesse Hodgson, who has iIllustrated TIGER WALK in glorious detail with her magic coloured pencils (the finer detail of that magic shown below in close-ups of the spreads). It's published by Otterbarry Books and out today. Thank you Janetta OB and to Judith Eskreet for the art direction.

The story of TIGER WALK was inspired by the painting Surprised! painted by Henri Rousseau in 1891 which hangs in the National Gallery,  LONDON... so here I am contemplating that tigery image. Sorry no gold dust but please celebrate with some virtual cake! 

Twitter: @dihofmeyr
Instagram: diannehofmeyr


Claire Fayers said...

Wow, that artwork is stunning. Happy book birthday!

Dianne Hofmeyr said...

Thank you Claire! Yes even better in the 'real' book!

michelle lovric said...

Happy Book birthday. The artwork is so beautiful! and the idea to match. congratulations!

Lydia Syson said...

Beautiful! Congratulations to you both. And on the brilliantly tiger-y cake.

Sue Purkiss said...

Looks absolutely beautiful!

Dianne Hofmeyr said...

Thanks for all your good wishes. Off to have a tigery reading and workshop at Alligator's Mouth tomorrow... then think this tiger will lick its paws and take a snooze!