I had a wonderful time at the third Harrogate History Festival recently, an event that celebrates the reading and writing of historical fiction. The Swan Hotel, where the long weekend takes place, is only a short walk across town from home. It is also, historically, the hotel where Agatha Christie “disappeared”.
Strangely, that's the second mention of the Queen of Mystery here this weekend, which seems spooky to me. . . (That’s enough about dear old Agatha! Ed.)
As the History Festival was about books written for adults, I felt none of that angst that sometimes seizes me during children’s book
conferences. I thoroughly enjoyed being there as a simple audience member.
Even so, I now have a fat notebook, crammed with scribbled historical
facts, and with comments about writing. As some of these seem relevant to
fiction for children & young people too, I've put a few thoughts from the
weekend into today's post, including some from the excellent writing workshop led by Emma Darwin and
Sally O’Reilly.
- Aren’t we’re told to “write what we know”?
were advised that we should “Write what you want, and make the reader
believe – at least while they are reading – that they know it.”
The topic of research came up a few times. When did you do it?
The most common pattern seemed to be a)
starting with general reading & research; b) write the crazy first draft, making
notes alongside of what you now need to know; c) do the research you now
know you need; d) then rewrite and revise the draft. However, several writers
were keen to describe this as an ongoing, overlapping process, rather than a
strict, scheduled formula.
Relate your writing
to the senses. Using your imagination, think specifically and patiently about
what you would see, hear, feel, smell and taste in that time and place, as well
as any kinaesthetic feelings you would experience. Then use that sensory
knowledge to add depth to your writing and build the emotional experiences of
your characters.
- What is a good way into writing historical fiction?

This could, for example, be the maker, seller, owner, user,
finder, observer or another character. Then we briefly imagined a scene where our
selected item from the past was, in some way, involved, and wrote on that theme
for a brief five minutes.

To much
delight, he walked around the crowded room, showing his "Lusitania Medal", the real object that inspired a recent book “Listen To The Moon” to the eager young audience. A fine coincidence!
Lastly, a fine point from author Andrew Taylor about the mind-set needed for writing
historical fiction:
“Remember that people
don’t know what’s going to happen to them:
you have constantly to remind
yourself these people are living in their present.”
accentuate Andrew's valuable point, I offer this “useful quote”, muttered
somewhere during the Harrogate History Festival weekend in the "Things Not To Say" category:
“Oh when, oh when will the Thirty Years War end?”
(No answers on postcards, thanks.)
Penny Dolan
(Emma Darwin is well
known for her excellent "Itch of Writing" blog and several historical novels such as “The
Alchemy of Love.” Sally 0 Reilly is a writer, editor and author of “How To
Be A Writer: The Definitive Guide To Getting Published and Making A Living From Writing.” The weekend is run by Harrogate
International Festivals in conjunction with the Historical Writers
Very interesting post; sounds like an excellent weekend! That's an interesting take on 'Write what you know!'
Really interesting report - that artefact and 3 people idea is brilliant!
And you left me with a smile - thank you!
Really enjoyed this. Penny - and found it very comforting as I agreed with all the advice given on writing historical fiction, and already do it! I was going to call it 'excellent advice', but since I think it's excellent because I follow it, I thought I'd back-pedal. For all I know there is excellenter advice out there - but I don't know of it!
Joan's right - that exercise is very good. I imagine variations on it will be turning up all over.
Some great ideas there, thanks.
Writing what you want and making the reader believe that they know it is especially useful for SF.
> the hotel where Agatha Christie “disappeared”.
She was off fighting giant mutant wasps as enyone kno.
Thanks for your comments. The exercise will also be part of Emma Goodwins' "Writing Historical Fiction" out next year - the sample I saw looks very interesting.
Great post, Penny (and spooky about the AC connection!) And I love the final "what not to say"!
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