This year has been amazing. Two children's book
of the year award wins - one for 'Victory Dogs' at
lovely Stockton-on-Tees and one for 'The Bomber Dog' at beautiful Shrewsbury. Shrewsbury even provided a dog to come out on stage with me - not a german shepherd like Grey in Bomber Dog but a lively ball loving spaniel who works as a bomb sniffing dog.
Dogs are so wonderful and I never tire of telling children all the brilliant things they can do as well as showing pictures of the things my two get up to. Fortunately I have lots of pictures and the one where Bella as a tiny pup is trying to bury a sock always goes down well. As does the fox poo one :)

The school was also the first one to hear a very early first chapter of 'Cornflake the Dragon' my new Secret Animal Society series that I'm writing as Ruth Symes. The Ruth Symes books tend to be for slightly younger children than the Megan Rix ones and I love getting letters from readers and pictures of the toys that have been made of the characters. I especially treasured an email I got recently about 'Dancing Harriet' and how the book was being used at a school in India to help teach tolerance and inclusion.
I'm going to miss not writing for ABBA for a while (other than hopefully an occasional guest post) but I've just got a bit too overworked what with running two careers as Ruth Symes and Megan Rix and so it's best to step out rather than find blogging a chore rather than a pleasure. But I'll still be reading it and looking forward to catching up with what's happening :)
PS Just found out 'A Soldier's Friend' is one of the nominated books for 2015's Carnegie medal - yahoo! Good luck to everyone with books in it xx
PPS Thanks so much to Carol Christie for saying her son got switched back on to reading by The Bomber Dog I hadn't seen the comment at the end of my Dog Days posts until I looked back at the old posts I'd done yesterday. That's what it's all about :)
www.ruthsymes.com and www.secretanimalsociety.com and www.meganrix.com
Thanks for all the posts, and good luck with both careers and the Carnegie!
Thanks for all the posts, Megan Ruth, and congratulations. ABBA will miss both your own enthusiasm and your brave and adventurous animals!
You're welcome, Megan! My son is now reading A Soldier's Friend. He insisted that I read Bomber Dog too and I enjoyed it just as much as he did.
Thanks Sue and Penny! Hope your son enjoys 'A Soldier's Friend' Carol. There is some amazing footage by Pathe news of parachuting dogs in WW2. Just put dogs parachute solo WW2 in google and it should come up complete with rousing music.
We've just watched the footage together - it's amazing! My son thinks it is breathtaking.
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