On a recent school visit a young boy asked me what tools I needed to write. That really made me think. The obvious ones are pen and paper, of course, and my computer but there are lots of other things I use too. Like notebooks, especially pretty, decorated ones. I have a collection of special notebooks, like these:
And I like pretty pens to write in my notebooks:
Although most of the time I think the notebooks are too pretty to write in, and don't want to use up all the ink in my pretty pens so scribble notes down in a plain notebook like this with a biro.
Then there's my reference books like this very battered Roget's Thesaurus.
My ideas file and cuttings.
And my CDs for calm background music while I write.
How about you? What tools do you need to write?
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I have to have the right notebook for scribbling my ideas in. I tend to make them myself now. Writing on the first page is always hard, but once you've started a new notebook that feeling of "too lovely to write in" wears off.
A fascinating question and one that I would find hard to answer, made me think beyond the physical objects.
I listen to film soundtracks as they have good, fast moving paces and moods, and help me feel inspired. I generally have a smaller A6 notebook to write every thing in, e.g any random inspiration, and a A5 notebook for lots of writing. !!! Pretty notebooks are always sooooo tempting - and so I just have to buy them so I am tempted no longer!!!
Hazel xx
I would love notebooks like those pictured! I need earphones, coffee and a candle.
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