Well might you ask Ralph Waldo. Emerson, as a writer, would have known a thing or two about waiting because in this game you do an awful lot of it. It doesn’t matter whether you are starting out on your writing career, or if you’re a seasoned campaigner. It’s a waiting game.
Sometimes you’re waiting for the idea that has started to take shape in the fug-filled miasma of thoughts known as ‘creativity’ to really kick on and reveal itself for the genius it is. Sometimes you’re waiting for the knotty plot point you’ve been beating yourself up over to resolve itself (so you can get on with turning your genius idea into the masterpiece you know it’s destined to be). Sometimes you’re waiting for your muse to grab you by the throat, shake you about, and tell you that now is the time to unleash your potential and write up a storm.
These are things that, as writers, we can have some influence over. Most of the time it’s best not to wait for any of the above, but to simply get on with it and see what happens. That’s what I do, anyway.
It’s the other waiting that is more difficult to take. Waiting on others.
Waiting for an agent to come back to you with news about whether they want to represent you. Waiting for news from said agent, who is now representing you, about whether the publisher is going to make a bid for your work. Waiting for the publisher to get back to the agent about the revised bid. Waiting for your publisher to come back to you with their thoughts. Waiting for edits. Waiting for more edits. Waiting for contract monies due. Waiting for royalties. Waiting, waiting, waiting. It’s like being a kid again; when Christmas took at least two, maybe three, years to come round again.
Maybe, with digital publishing, this is all about to change forever. Then again, maybe not.
I tell everyone that the most important thing you need to have as a writer is a thick hide. Maybe you also need a pool of infinite patience or a watch that doesn’t keep very good time.
Or lots of those little doors in your mind that you can put things behind - and then get on with writing something else ...
You're absolutely right. You have to have the patience of a saint in this business. But like Joan says, have lots of writing 'things' on the go all at different stages, so there's always something to do in between the waiting.
You're absolutely right. You have to have the patience of a saint in this business. But like Joan says, have lots of writing 'things' on the go all at different stages, so there's always something to do in between the waiting.
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