So everyone loves it.
Everyone, that is, except for the author who’s written a story that’s not so easy to pitch.
The basic pitch comes in three flavours. There’s the X Meets Y Pitch:

“It’s vampires meet pirates”
“It’s Star Trek meets dinosaurs”
“It’s the Famous Five meets Ancient Rome”
There’s the Unique Selling Point Pitch:
“It’s a whodunnit starring a teenager with Asperger’s Syndrome”
“It’s about a detective who’s a skeleton”
“It’s set in a magical land where the animals talk”
“It’s like a Bond movie with a teenage hero”
And there’s the Nothing To Do With The Story At All Pitch:
“It’s by Madonna”

But what about the stories that don’t lend themselves to pitching? Who would pay any attention to the following:
“It’s about an old man trying to poison a dog”
“It’s about a boy trying to feed his sister”
“It’s about an exceptionally clever child with stupid parents”
“It’s about a naughty boy”
In all of these cases - and they’re very real and successful books too - it’s the quality of the writing, the voice, and the characters, that lift them way, way above the ordinary. Describing them like this does them no favours, and in some cases makes them indistinguishable from a host of others.
I understand the reasons for the pitch. But I hope we never get to the point where it’s the only thing that matters.
And now, Awfully Big Readers, let’s play a game! Firstly, from the fictional pitches above, can you identify the books? And secondly, how would you pitch your own favourites?
Obviously, if we weren’t playing this game I’d have illustrated today’s post with pictures of the books I’ve used as examples. But we are, and I can’t, so here are some pictures of my own books instead. Shameless, aren't I?
John's website is at www.visitingauthor.com
An old man trying to poison his dog? I have no idea what this book is, but I WANT to know! Someone tell me, please.
It's 'You're a Bad Man, Mr Gum'
I've just read 'Mr Gum and the Biscuit Billionaire' and I laughed so hard my eyes exploded.
'A man and his son walk a long way trying not to get eaten.'
That last one is THE ROAD by Cormac McCarthy!
I guess the thing about pitching a book is that it's about making it stick out in someone's mind so that they remember it and get behind it - even if you have to leave out large parts of the plot to do so!
I think I've got likely candidates (in some cases more than one) for all except the Buffy/Wuthering crossover and the boy trying to feed his sister (which I initially read as 'boy trying to feel his sister' - and worried that marketing wouldn't go for it). I'll be very interested to know the secret identities there!
I've just read a book with an Asperger's teen detective, and it's not by Mark Haddon! But it's not really a whodunnit either...
Great post, John. I am in a rush but just to say I plan to mention it/ABBA at an event I'm doing in Foyles on Thursday night, as this post really chimes with part of what I'm saying.
Buffy meets Wuthering Heights is Twilight, isn't it? (In theory!) One I plug at school talks is 'Hansel and Gretel for the Xbox generation'. And how about 'Black Beauty with blood and guts'?
Not a children's book, but I recently found myself describing Donna Tartt's The Secret History as The Great Gatsby meets Euripedes - which I think is probably about right.
Hey, you weren't supposed to tell us what it was!
Yes, Gillian - in theory that's exactly what it is (I did say that pitches don't need to be terribly accurate!).
As to the other one you couldn't get, Charlie - is that fact that I might expect someone called Charlie to get this one too much of a clue?
And, Gillian - "Black Beauty with blood and guts': surely that would be, er, Black Beauty?
"Hansel and Gretel for the XBox generation" - no idea, but I'm intrigued!
I'm thinking Black Beauty with blood and guts = I Am The Great Horse, but I think Katherine Roberts describes that as 'Black Beauty meets Gladiator'. Although Gladiator = Rome, and Alexander the Great = Macedon and Greece (and yes, I'll shut up now. Right now.)
Spot on, Kath! Though I love 'Black Beauty meets Gladiator'. And 'H&G for Generation Xbox' is wor own Savita's 'The Long Weekend' :-)
Kath, I think as far as The Pitch is concerned, Rome, Macedon & Greece are all The Classics and therefore interchangeable.
Just in case Charlie's been up all night wracking his brains: the little boy trying to feed his sister is I Will Not Ever Never Eat A Tomato by Lauren Child.
Aha! I was so on the wrong track with Grave of the Fireflies...
Tempted to ask, if I give you my synopsis, can you pitch my novel for me! (Joke.)
The exceptionally clever child with stupid parents is "Matilda" by Roald Dahl, right?
It is, Rachael!
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