Friday 1 February 2019


by Penny Dolan

This morning began so early and bright,
as the sun lit the rooftops, all frosted with white,
and I sipped at my coffee, and gave a small grin
For my tax was all done, and delivered and IN.

While I’d toiled over sums and slips and numbers,
dire writerly doubt had shipwrecked my slumbers,
but now I could dwell on those things set apart
so I scribbled a list with a gladdening heart.

At last I felt free and cheery and able
to start on the things I’d stowed under the table,
to sort out the heaps and the used-paper piles,
and dream of the documents stacked in my files:

Was any a treasure, a joy, a grand tome?
Today I would bask in my comfortable home,
and sort out which WIP was to open again
and inspire with the fire from my un-burdened brain.

Well, I sat at my desk, pressed the big button ON:
the blue light flashed twice - and then it was GONE!
My desktop stood silent and useless and DEAD,
while horror was screaming quite loud in my head,

So I’m waiting for help – not fine muscles and looks,
nor skinny-thin heroines snatched out of books -,
there’s someone I need and someone I seek,
as soon as can happen,
before end of week,
One brilliant, patient, kind TECHNICAL GEEK.

Thank you!

 ps. If you can read this on ABBA, I'll have posted successfully from my New Blue laptop. Hooray! 

No pity needed, though, as I do have summat to work on and with, and someone who is good at repairing desk-top machines. He tells me that the old box is definitely DEAD. Ah well - it least it wasn't amidst all that tax work which is a thing for which I'm very thankful. And he is good at rebuilding old computers.

Also, my most important WIP was - unsusually for me - saved on a memory stick. (Are you saving your Preciouses? Are you? Take this as a reminder.)

However, this big bad tech moment does make me want to remind people about one of the problems with a life of lone freelancing.

While it's great to be alone when you're writing, that also means there's nobody sitting across the office or nearby who can casually introduce you to all the new gadgets and apps and technological skills and fixes (both small and larger) over a coffee or sandwich lunch. 

You may, one day - and if you are like me - miss the easy knowledge of those clever folk who do know all about the obvious or the quirky features of  IT  and might be willing to help with all the small stuff, even those late-waking, ever-hungry, live-in teenagers! 

Penny Dolan


Susan Price said...

Love this, Penny. Hope the WIP is the eagerly awaited Boy Named Mouse II.

Joan Lennon said...

Oh that moment of horror, when our computers let us down! All power to your geek and meantime, re-gather yourself and get on with the WIP!

Sue Purkiss said...

Lovely! (The poem, not the horror.)

Lynne Benton said...

Brilliant poem, Penny - but what a nightmare! (Though as you say, if it had died while you were still doing your tax return that would have been even worse!) Good luck for Feb, for getting back to the WIP.

Penny Dolan said...

Thanks for all your comments and sympathy. Still a few problems to come but,hey, I got short notice material for a post out of the desktops demise