Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Attractive Literary Animals Through the Ages - by Ruth Hatfield

In that ‘help, what do I write about books this month?’ panic, I sought the help of the assembled writers at the Scattered Authors’ annual Charney Manor retreat. And in response to my plea for ideas/someone to write the post for me, a strange electricity briefly lit up the air, powered by a roomful of great minds churning together. So I’m proud to present, direct from the pens of some of the UK/world’s most accomplished (but herein anonymous) literary talents, the results of the whip-round of ‘Fictional Animals We Have Had Crushes On’ … 

Shadow the Sheepdog, from the eponymous book by Enid Blyton. He was loyal, brave and handsome – and there was cake!

Bernard the Mouse in ‘The Rescuers’ & Miss Bianca books. He was steadfast, kind-hearted, hard-working and determined. And he had adventures!

Siffrin the Fox in the ‘Foxcraft’ series by Inbali Iserlis. He’s the archetypal wounded bad boy.

Charlotte. Because she is a spider.

Mrs Frisby in ‘Mrs Frisby and the rats of Nimh’. She displayed enormous bravery, going to the rats to ask for their help.

Aslan in ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’. One sexy lion/god. Hot. Smoking hot.

Baghera the black panther from ‘The Jungle Book’. Powerful, sleek, black-furred, super-dangerous and slinky – what’s not to like?

Kaa the python from ‘The Jungle Book’. Because he hypnotises anyone he can get close enough to squeeze.

Eeyore from ‘The House at Pooh Corner’. He’s moody, funny and full of bon mots. Oh, and he eats thistles.

Mr Darcy’s horse with Mr Darcy on it…

Piglet from ‘The House at Pooh Corner’. Because he is a constant friend, pink and very cute.

Black Bob the Dandy Wonder Dog. Because he was a brave, clever and very canny border collie – so cool he spawned a ‘Viz’ parody (Black Bag the faithful Border Bin Liner)

Kermit the Frog. He’s nerdy, enthusiastic and sweet. He’s not HOT like Black Beauty, just endearing.

Champion the Wonder Horse. For his wonderful galloping! As practiced by me round my nan’s garden.

Dogtanian. A dashing, swashbuckling hero.

Fiery the little dragon in ‘Fiery Gets His Wish’ by Jean Parsons. He was little but loyal and brave.

And lastly:

I’m not really into animals.

Probably an appropriate place to stop.

(Unless anyone has any more they'd like to make public...) 


Joan Lennon said...

Ernest AND Celestine, from the books AND the movie.

Sheena Wilkinson said...

This is so much fun! I discussed it with a friend yesterday who admitted she had always had a bit of thing about Blue Peter's Shep...

Lynne Benton said...

Great post, Ruth! That was a fun session. And where did you find that cover for "Fiery"? I don't remember seeing that before!

Emma Barnes said...

Tuffy in Anne Fine's Diary of a Killer Cat.

Angus in Louise Rennison's Georgia Nicolson series.

And I don't even like cats! But they are so delightfully wicked.

Ann Turnbull said...

I can't think of any to beat Aslan and Bagheera. Those two are close - but I think it has to be Aslan for me.

Freyalyn said...


All your arguments are invalid.

Sue Purkiss said...

And didn't somebody mention the Silver Brumby?

Freyalyn said...

Silver Brumby is a proto-Shadowfax.

Tortie said...

Oh, yes, yes, yes to Black Bob! Also Tattles in Silver Snaffles by Primrose Cumming, Mousie in Moorland Mousie by Golden Gorse and Hamish in Hamish by Joanna Cannan.

Ruth Hatfield said...

I also forgot to add my own (for today at least) top pick - Martin the Warrior (mouse) from Mossflower. Just beginning to think about his gallant nobility and deadly warriorness makes my heart quicken...

Katherine Roberts said...

Black Beauty, surely! And Peter Beagle's The Last Unicorn.