Sunday 3 September 2023


Many years ago, fairies, piskies, and goblins of all sorts lived all over Cornwall. Everyone knew it and were in awe of them. The young people appealed to the fairy folk for everything. To be helped in their work, to get love draughts and to know their fortunes.

As a child, I searched for piskies basking on a moor stone or listened for the sound of a bucca's pickaxe down the wells and mines. I was sure I caught glimpses and heard knocks even if I never actually caught one of them.

But today, sadly, most of this is regarded as superstitious nonsense.

But for the enlightened, the search goes on. To help in your search next time you're in Cornwall here's a guide to the difference between a piskey and a bucca.

The Piskey (Cornish pixie)

A tiny mythical creature that inhabits the vast Cornish moorland. They look like little old men and dress in the colours of the earth - especially green. They live mostly in small hovels and if they live around your home, they can reward you with good luck. If you try to get rid of them though, they'll turn vindictive and make your life a misery. 

The Bucca (Cornish knocker)

About the same size as piskies. They live in rocks, mines or wells. They work all the time, digging and sifting throughout the year. They dress like miners and steal unattended food and tools. They say the knocking sound these creatures make, act as a warning of an impending cave-in. 

They alerted miners to danger so they could leave unsafe tunnels. The miners, in return, would leave part of their pasty for them.

So there you are. I hope this is helpful. Good luck with your fairy folk hunting. 😀



Penny Dolan said...

I recall the excitement of going into Cornwall as a young child and the hope that I might be the one to see a pisky, as well as enjoying the rudeness of the name when spoken.

star said...

Thanks for taking the time to write this blog

Sharon Tregenza said...

Hi Penny, hope the blog will help you decide which fairy person it is you've spotted next time you're in Cornwall. :)

Penny Dolan said...

Thanks, Sharon.
Up here, it's mostly the bogles and you don't want to meet any of them.

Sue Purkiss said...

Very helpful indeed. I hadn't heard of buccas.

LuWrites said...

The sad thing is that now atheism has become the most popular belief system, people dismiss the possibility of anything that doesn't fit into it. I'm still hoping to see a piskie one day 🙂.