Thursday 6 July 2023

Holiday Time by Paul May

By the time this blog appears I'll be somewhere in France so I have no Carnegie Medal winners for you this month. In a Great Leap Forward I had plans to cover four books in one post, but it's going to have to wait until next month

And they keep adding new winners! A new one was added to the list this week - The Blue Book of Nebo by Manon Steffan Ross. Many congratulations to her. 

The publicists are telling us that this is the first book in translation to win the Carnegie. I suppose it is translation if you write a book first in Welsh and then translate your own work into English, but it's a very specific kind of translation and I'd love to learn more about the process. And there was, sort of, another translated winner long ago.

The Radium Woman by Eleanor Dooley won the Carnegie in 1939 and it's a 'Youth Edition' of a translation of Eve Curie's biography of her mother. Which is probably something that nobody really needs to know. 1939 seems like a long time ago and it feels like a long time ago that I wrote that blog post about it. 

And now I must go and pack. 

Back next month with that bumper package of winners!

PS - a quick photo update from Brittany!

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