Tuesday 27 June 2023

I finally caved to pressure and read Yellowface. It is a blistering read and the book industry really does not come out of it well. 

Thanks to a friend, I've also discovered Publishing Rodeo: two authors writing in the same genre, with the same publisher, debuting in the same year, but with very different experiences. It makes for interesting listening. 

Is publishing really that bad? Your thoughts, please. And if it is, what can we do to change it?

But I'm not dwelling on that today. The sun is out and my garden is in full bloom. We are encouraging wild flowers this year and have a plethora of poppies. A friendly pigeon has taken up almost permanent residence at our bird feeder while a pair of lady blackbirds are devastating our strawberries. Yesterday I helped out at a school fete, selling five books for a pound to excited children and in the evening, we had friends round for dinner. 

Going back to Yellowface, one of the many problems the narrator had was that she tied up her whole sense of self in getting a book published. I'm thoroughly enjoying working with my new publisher but I do think it's important to step away from writing from time to time and smell the flowers.

Tapper Watson and the Quest for the Nemo Machine is coming from Firefly Press in September.

1 comment:

Sue Purkiss said...

Bit frustrating, this - I thought you were going to tell me all about Yellowface, but you didn't!