Monday, 12 December 2022

Crush by Svetlana Chmakova review by Lynda Waterhouse

Waterstones Piccadilly branch has an amazing selection of graphic novels but I found myself returning again and again to Svetlana Chmakova‘s novel, Crush. It is set in Berrybrook Middle School (11-13 years) as were her other novels, Awkward and Brave.

There was something about the shape, weight and texture of the book alongside Wendy Chan’s cover design that drew me in and I really wanted to find out more about the main character, Jorge Ruiz’s perspective on crushes.

Jorge Ruiz is big and powerfully built and a kind, sweet thoughtful guy with a warm sense of humour. Jorge is known as the big scary dude you don’t mess with. Olivia and Garrett are his long-time friends and they are a tight team. Jorge gets annoyed when some people think he and Olivia are dating or when Garratt tries to emulate James, quarterback , team captain and ‘leader’ of the Athletics Club People.

 Jorge’s dad told him, “Strength is a resource. If you have a lot and someone doesn’t, you gotta share yours.” Time and again throughout the course of this graphic novel Jorge draws upon his quiet strength especially when his phone his hacked and his friendship with Garratt is tested.

It seems to Jorge that everyone is obsessed with dating. Then he meets Jazmine Duong and no matter how hard he tries to convince himself that he does not have a crush on her he finds himself drawn to her. His sense of awkwardness and bewilderment are revealed best in the pages that are blank apart from one panel shown on the bottom right hand of the page. Jazmin and Jorge negotiate their friendship and build a positive, respectful and warm relationship.  

It is study in friendship with all its ups and downs. With its subtle tones and a manga style the art work reveals just how painful relationships can be to navigate and how hard it is to withstand negative peer pressure.

At its core is a group of middle schoolers who looking out for each other. They won’t tolerate meanness, bullying or anyone who does not respect body autonomy. They have fun and make mistakes. Crush is a delight from start to finish.

JY – Inprint of Yen Press

ISBN: 978-0-316-36324-2



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