Wednesday, 21 December 2022

Christmas Greetings and a 'Carnival of the Clocks' by Nick Sharratt, reviewed by Pippa Goodhart

Wishing all ABBA readers and contributors a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  


Awfully Big Blog Adventure closes the holidays today, returning at the start of January.

Meanwhile, happy reading and writing, everyone, and thank you all!

Today is the winter solstice; the shortest, darkest, day of the year before we begin to head towards spring and summer once more; a moment worth celebrating. 

            In Brighton, on the evening of the 21st December, home-made paper lanterns are lit and paraded through the city before being burnt on a big bonfire.

            Nick Sharratt’s Little Gem highly illustrated ‘Carnival of the Clocks’ story lets readers share that dark-light excitement and community celebration. 

            We meet the children and make the lanterns, then ‘Mrs Thistle blows her whistle’, and off we go to join the procession. Drum beats accompany the walk past the sights of Brighton. Then we look up at all the proud parents waving to us. We pass the lanterns to go into the bonfire pile, and we countdown ‘… three, two, one!’ to see the flames leap, and fireworks explode in the sky above. 

            Truly a gem of a bright fun accessible little book. 

And Hooray for a Lovely Christmas too!

1 comment:

Rowena House said...

What a lovely celebration! Happy Yuletide to everyone in the ABBA community.