Saturday 3 September 2022

'THE LAST WHALE' by Chris Vick Reviewed by Sharon Tregenza

'The Last Whale' is the story of three generations of the Kristensen family. We're first introduced to Abi the teen eco-warrior who is forced to spend the summer with her family on an island off the Norwegian coast. With the help of an AI called Moonlight she is trying to organise a global protest.

Abi's emotional involvement in the conservation of the planet is further heightened when she learns more of her family history and how her great grandfather turned his back on whaling and recorded their songs instead. Through the songs of the whales she learns more about them and their impact on the future of the earth.

I know that Chris Vick works with the Whale and Dolphin Conservation charity so it's no surprise that deep knowledge and concern punctuates every page. But although this book certainly packs a powerful punch it is far from being preachy. He wraps his message in an engaging story of adventure and ultimately hope. 

I loved the message, the characters and the writing. Another triumph for this Carnegie-shortlisted author. 

Published by Zephyr this is a must read by anyone over ten years old.




Sue Purkiss said...

I very much enjoyed Chris's last book, so am certainly looking forward to this one!

Sharon Tregenza said...

Yes, I enjoy his work too. :)