Sunday, 10 April 2022

Callum and the Other by Alan McClure


My first post in this splendid blog, back in September, was about the tribulations of writing a sequel. I had just pressed ‘send’ on a manuscript which had eaten a huge proportion of my time and energy over lockdown, and was feeling reflective: would the book live up to its predecessor? Had I recaptured the voice? Had I repeated myself?


Well, I’m pleased to report that readers can judge for themselves this week, as Callum and the Other is finally published on April 15th. The editing and proofing process was painless, thanks to the fabulous folks at Beaten Track, and generous friends have previewed the book very positively. Does that mean I’m free of pre-publication collywobbles? Of course not!


Every Scattered Author must know the strange sense of letting go that comes with publication. The story is no longer mine – it becomes the shared property of anyone who takes the time to read it. There are parts I think are accessible to most readers and parts that will only chime with some. Ideas that struck me as important may well be completely lost in the mix, while aspects that never occurred to me might reveal themselves to insightful readers. It’s a strange and fascinating process, and I’m excited to see where it goes.


I hadn’t planned to write a sequel, but now I can’t imagine not having done so. Callum and his friends had more to tell me, and I’m profoundly grateful for the chance to share the results – I hope they entertain, amuse and mystify the brave souls who dip in, and that I can be part of the story’s journey out into the big wide world!


Good luck to everyone with new stories to share this month.


Penny Dolan said...

Congratulations, Alan!

Joan Lennon said...

Well done, you! (As one of the lucky ones who have already had a read, I know whereof I speak!)

Alan McClure said...

Thanks folks! x