Wednesday 22 December 2021

Oh No! Shark in the Snow! by Nick Sharratt, reviewed by Pippa Goodhart

    Well, this book has it all as a book to share with young children Christmas treat. 

    Many of us are already familiar with Nick Sharratt’s Timothy Pope and his shark-seeking telescope.  So this story feels like a meet-up with a much-loved friend, to play a game we already know, but for a fresh Christmassy take on it. This time Timothy and his dad’s trip to the park is a properly Christmassy feeling one. We’ve got sparkles and snowflakes on the cover, deep, tabboganing snow inside, and even Santa himself, of course bearing gifts. The story enjoys that wonderful pantomime element of the ‘Oh, no it isn’t’ and ‘Oh, yes it is!’ moments as Timothy thinks he’s seen a shark … that isn’t a shark, and then doesn’t notice the real shark that we do notice. Tension and thrills of the mildest and most playful kind. As it says on the cover, ‘Fin-tastic Festive Fun!’ 


    Happy Christmas! 

1 comment:

Penny Dolan said...

This book looks like great fun, and young children do enjoy books about characters they already know. (I don't mean Father Christmas.)
Thanks, Pippa.