Wednesday 3 November 2021

THE LITTLE GHOST WHO.... (Book series review) by Sharon Tregenza



'The Little Ghost Who Didn't Like to be Scary'
'The Little Ghost who Didn't Want to be Mean'

by Isla Wynter

These two books in the 'Little Ghost' series by Isla Wynter carry a similar message: 

Layla is a ghost and aren't ghosts supposed to be mean and scary and haunt places and people? But that's not what Layla wants to do - she just wants to carry on playing with her friends.

These delightful books for younger children are comfortable with their simplicity and are perfect for those who aren't happy around the more frightening aspects of ghostliness.

I like the stark black and white illustrations, they add to the unpretentiousness, and as I don't see a named illustrator, I assume are also done by Wynter.

Wynter's author profile says: 

Isla Wynter lives in Scotland with a tiny cat, a lonely pot plant and a horde of imaginary friends. She believes in unicorns and plans to one day convince the world of that fact. Even if she has to catch a unicorn herself.

Full disclosure here: I didn't initially intend to review these sweet little books. I wanted to tell you about the research I've been doing on The Cornish Witch Trials of the 16th and 17th century but I've been fighting with my damn printer all day and simply ran out of time. Hopefully, for the next blog... 😟

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