Friday 20 August 2021

First Books - Joan Lennon

Grandmother amusing her young companion 
in the waiting room of the Greyhound Bus Station, 
New York City, 1947 
(wiki commons)

Early next year I'm going to become a grandmother for the first time and I am as excited as a dog in snow.  However, it's a long time since I hung out with babies much.  I'm hoping that muscle memory will cover lots of stuff like not dropping the sprog and how to change a nappy.  But I'm out of touch with books for babies, and I'm looking to you parents, grandparents, aunties and uncles, writers of baby books, and anyone else with some titles in mind, to help me out.

Good books for under-one-year-olds - recommendations please in the comments below.

Thanking you in advance!

Joan Lennon Instagram


Pippa Goodhart said...

Congratulations, Joan! Being a granny is The Best! And not just for the books. But, to books -
I wasn't sure about the very simple black and white books for teeny babies, but they really do work. My, now just one year old, grandson had just one simple black and white pages of animals, and today, after having four jabs and feeling a bit clingy, he wanted that book again!
There are so many lovely ones, but his absolute favourite, recommended by one of the children's author mob, was, and is, A Busy Day For Birds by Lucy Cousins.

Joan Lennon said...

Many thanks, Pippa - I'm really looking forward to it!