Sunday 29 August 2021

Doctor Keyboard

A short blog today. Sorry. But health issues with other family members make it hard to concentrate on much beyond those issues. That said, I did want to use this space to make a note of something I think has relevance to those likely to read it.

I’d started working on a new story when events took a serious turn. But in amongst the phone calls and texts and Facetime sessions, I've still managed to find a couple of hours each day to write. It’s usually in the morning, 9 to 11, and it’s become a much appreciated respite.

For those two hours, I can lose myself in another world, wondering what would happen to my characters, and how they’d react, and how others would react to what they did. I’ve always found writing demanding, and it’s no less demanding now. But the concentration required to set down in words this imaginary world not only produces a steady few pages each day, it also provides a very much needed form of relaxation. One I'm immensely grateful for.

Doctor Keyboard, indeed.


Joan Lennon said...

It's true, what you say, and sending good wishes for better family health news soon.

Nick Garlick said...

Thank you, Joan.

Rowena House said...

Wise words. Best to the family. And good for those two hours. Sanctuary.

Lynne Benton said...

Amazing what you can fit into 2 hours, isn't it? Hope things get better for you soon.

Sue Purkiss said...

Very much hope that things improve for you and your family soon.