Sunday 7 February 2021

Freddy Vs School by Neill Cameron, reviewed by Joshua (for Dawn Finch)

My slot this week is being taken over by a guest reviewer - Josh (aged 9) has very kindly agreed to review Freddy Vs School by Neill Cameron.

First the blurb...

"Okay humans, listen up! My name is FREDDY. I live with my Mum and Dad. I go to school. Oh yeah, the MAIN thing: I am an AWESOME ROBOT! With awesome robotic SUPERPOWERS! But I'm hardly ever allowed to USE them, and definitely not at SCHOOL. Which is going to be a PROBLEM... A hilarious first novel from Neill Cameron, creator of the Mega Robo Bros series and How to Make Awesome Comics."

Josh's review...

Freddy vs school was an interesting, rollercoaster story which would thrill any reader especially someone my age. Freddy being a robot adds another adventurous aspect to the book. The plot of the book is very easy to identify once you start reading; a robot boy with fun and sometimes disastrous school adventures!

Freddy is a very funny and cool character with lots of friends. I like Freddy because he's a robot schoolboy around my age. Freddy has some wow superpowers but can't always use them very well. This book is good because it has so many different and interesting characters and such an exciting plot twist at the end.

The layout of the book was engaging and the pictures help set the scene and let the reader visualize the storyline really well. Neill Cameron used his imagination to tell a story that could have been written and illustrated by a 9-year-old it was so captivating.

I would highly recommend this book to other kids around the world that are my age, I thoroughly enjoyed this book.

Dawn says - I am hugely grateful to Josh for agreeing to take a guest reviewer slot this month. I love it when I can give a book to a discerning reader and when I read this one I knew just who to ask to review it. Cameron has written and illustrated a book here that is an absolute blast. This book is smart, funny and very engaging and I'm sure it will find many fans!

Dawn Finch is a poet and children's writer and the current chair of the Society of Authors' Children's Writers and Illustrators Group (CWIG)

Joshua is a huge book and comics fan and is also a keen historian and chef.  The reviewer was given a copy of the book in return for an unbiased review. This is Joshua's first professional book review, but I'm sure it won't be his last.

 Freddy Vs School by Neill Cameron is published by David Fickling books.


Penny Dolan said...

Thank you, Joshua and Dawn.

It's always interesting to hear exactly what the real readers like best within a book, and this is certainly a great recommendation.

I'm hoping that this title will help all young robots to cope with their Superpowers.
Happy reading, Joshua!

Laura McNeil said...

Well done Joshua we are super proud of you 👏🏻