Tuesday 10 December 2019

Moan or be joyful about children's books here, by the Grinch and the Christmas Fairy

Humph. The Grinch here. Here are some grumpy thoughts I had this year. 

1) I’ve seen one or two really didactic preachy books out there. Save kids from humourless moralists.

2) There is no children’s art/music section in our local Waterstones (or it is so well hidden I couldn’t find it). Why? Nobody will buy things if they’re not there.

 3) Celebrities are now broadcasting 'buy my book' messages over the tannoy of my local supermarket, without warning, leaving me stricken and unable to function. 

4) Money. Don't even get me started. Publishers think we live off air and dreams. 

Oi! Grinch! Move over! Here is the Christmas Fairy, with much more positive thoughts, thank you very much.

1) Children’s books have, in the main, been really vibrant and exciting this year.

2) Fact-loving kids are getting a great choice at last.

3) We have a really articulate effective Laureate who is doing great work promoting libraries.  

4) We are still here, doing our best to make the best work we are capable of.

Happy Christmas and happy writing. Do you have a Grinch moan to get off your chest or a Christmas Fairy ray of light to impart? 

The Grinch and the Fairy visited the head of author Moira Butterfield, last seen curled in a ball moaning softly in her local Sainsbury's. 

1 comment:

Pippa Goodhart said...

Happy Christmas, Moira! Every bit of those two sides chime with me.