am always delighted to see a particular title created by Pippa
Goodhart and Nick Sharrat around, whether the book is in bookshop ,
or in a library book-box, or displayed on a library shelf, or being
pored over on a school carpet – but more on that later .. . .
other things.

was HOW TO STAY SANE by the psychotherapist Philippa Perry
and seemed a useful little book to turn to when the smaller, personal
anxieties haunt the hour.
many other activities, Perry suggests using self-observation as a
am I feeling now?
am I thinking now? What am I doing at this moment?
am I breathing in this moment? (This
I found so interesting a practice!)
do I want for myself in this new moment?
in all, she seemed to be saying YOU CAN
MAKE A CHOICE about how you react.
What I find interesting is that Sophie’s course - which is now live - does not teach about the mechanics of writing or story structure or poetic form or similar topics.
Author is – my own words here – very much about helping
the author to manage and maintain their writing life with confidence
and resilience. And much more besides.
It is an immersive coaching
course that looks at how effectively your pursue being the kind of
writer you dream of being.
writes about a Dream Author being “an author with the right set
of dreams and the ability to take action to help realise them”
and about how you “must master the skills you will need to
thrive in a world that won’t accommodate your dreams unless you
give it no choice but to do so.”
particular emphasis within the Dream Author course seems to me to be that, while
painful things happen in one’s writing life, YOU DO HAVE A
CHOICE about how you react to situations, to how you think about
things and whether you let these incident have power over you.
Exactly what kind of success do you dream about for yourself?
And also . .
I type these words, I am reminded of Jenny Alexander who runs
creative writing workshops in Cornwall and elsewhere. Throughout all
her books on being a writer, Jenny suggests thinking about what makes
you , as a writer, happy. When the social media writing bubble seems
way too full of certain kinds of success stories and author
lifestyles, this can be a very wise suggestion indeed.

that Pippa Goodhart and Nick Sharrat book title? What else could it
be but

trying to make that my message to myself for October.
Thank you, Penny! I love that my books are in such great company here :)
Great post, Penny - and important to point out that it is our choice as to how we react to things. I am a great fan of Sophie Hannah's Dream Author programme, and her message fits very well into this post. Haven't yet found Philippa Perry's book, but now I will look for it!
wise words here, a lot to think about and reflect upon
Just home from holiday, and looking at what I've missed in the last week. And here's THIS! Lovely of you to use You Choose, Penny, and, yes, a very good reminder from you that we have so many small choices every day about how to react to things, setting the tone for our own lives. Thank you!
Thank you Penny. I too have just come back from holiday and missed much! And Sophie Hannah is of course the daughter of our very famous History Girl Adele Geras! Will look into this course. It sounds fascinating!
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