Friday 3 May 2019

MAY'S AUTHOR by Sharon Tregenza


Edward Lear was born in Highgate on the May12th 1812. He was the twentieth child of Jeremiah Lear and his wife Ann (poor Ann).

When he was four years old his father fell a defaulter in the stock exchange and the family's affluent lifestyle came to an abrupt halt. Lear's education was left to his sisters, Ann and Sarah.
They read him classical tales and modern poetry and taught him to draw.

Edward's life as an author began in 1846 when his volume of limericks titled A Book of Nonsense was published.

Edward Lear's most famous nonsense poem was 'The Owl and the Pussy-Cat", was published in his book "Nonsense Songs, Stories, Botany and Alphabets".

It's been set to music, made into cartoons and mentioned in films, albums and TV shows. 

Five Facts about Edward Lear:

1. He helped popularise the limerick.

2. He was an accomplished painter

3. He played a variety of musical instruments including the piano, guitar, flute and the accordion.

4. He coined the word 'runcible' - though nobody is sure what it means.

5. He wrote a little-known sequel to 'The Owl and the Pussy-Cat' although it remained unfinished at his death.

Edward Lear died in 1888 after many years of heart disease and other health issues.


Lynne Benton said...

Lovely post, Sharon, and a worthy subject!

Sharon Tregenza said...

I agree, Lynne. About the subject I mean, I'm a fan. :)