This week I started the discussion again after a friend told
me that their publisher said, “school librarians will never stock a book with
swearing in.”
"Never"?! Well, that’s a big old myth right there!
I reached out to a bunch of my library colleagues to see if
this was a case of publishers putting words into the mouths of librarians,
while taking them out of the mouths of authors. The results did not surprise me
as my colleagues reinforced that which I already knew.
Let’s stop something right in its tracks. Publishers –
school librarians will not
automatically block a book simply because it has swearing in.
There – feel better now?
Let’s look at some examples of books containing swearing
that you will find in pretty much every library. Harry Potter has swearing
(bloody, bastard, git…), Philip Pullman’s books have swearing, David Almond
books have swearing…. I won’t list them all, frankly because I don’t want this
to be used as a cross-off list by the uninformed using it to remove superb books from collections!
The thing that came across in the conversations I’ve been
having is that context is everything. No one is saying that every book should
be littered with swear words, but if they belong, and if they work within the
text then they absolutely should be there.
I cite Mark Haddon’s Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime
(although this is for older readers). When Christopher repeats the swear words
of the adults around him, it drives home an important point. This swearing absolutely
belongs here, and has remained despite a few noisy complaints.
When Anthony McGowan wrote Henry Tumour (an excellent book
about a boy with a brain tumour that talks to him), his character, Hector,
swears like a trooper when he finds out about the tumour – and I know I bloody
well would too. This is also in context. Sadly a few complaints (a tiny number)
meant that changes were made.
In 2008 Jacqueline Wilson was asked to change the word “twat”
to “twit” in My Sister Jodie after just three people complained via an Asda
store. When the complaint came in, Asda had already sold over 28,000 copies. I
grabbed an older copy and had a read and, in my opinion, twat is perfectly
within context for the character and the story.
Where does this leave the author?
The advice I would give to anyone writing specifically for
primary age children is to avoid the F-bomb, and all big swears even if it’s in
context. Yes, children do know all these words, but they feel wrong and naughty.
Even if they use them in the playground, they don’t want to say them in front
of adults, and this can stifle reading aloud. Swear words jar the flow of
reading for very young children, and this means that they focus on the delicious
naughtiness of the word instead of the story. It is a kind of linguistic
If you are writing for secondary age children, obviously use the language
familiar to them. That will often mean using swear words they are commonly
using. I still think that the F-Bomb is a biggie, and probably best avoided
until YA. Use other words in its place, but please don’t use weird replacement
constructions (“forking shirt bag”) and try to find out what expletives they
are actually using. JK may well have used “Bloody hell, Harry”, but when was the
last time you actually heard a real working-class kid saying this? As we said
before, context is everything!
YA? Anything goes – knock your forking self out!
The main point I wanted to raise here is that this is yet
another reason all children deserve a school librarian. These are the true book
experts who will make informed stock selection choices based on the tastes and
needs of the pupils in the school. Arbitrary “it’s got swearing in it” bans or
removals diminish choice, and that ultimately damages the process of reading
for pleasure. Some kids (and adults of course!) will only read books with grittier content. To deny them that is to block their development as a reader.
I’ll finish with a little true story.
Some years ago I had an angry parent storm at me like a
rhino, raging about swear words in a book her son had borrowed from the school
library. (He was 11 and I knew the book had these words in, and had limited it
to kids 11 and over.) The mother was purple with rage and screamed and shouted
at me, tearing up the book and throwing it in my face. She told me I wasn’t fit
to work around children, and that I should be ashamed of myself. I said
nothing. She slammed her fists down on my desk and, in the end, the caretaker
had to come and remove her from the library.
Afterwards some teachers came to see if I was okay and I was
sitting at my desk with a huge smile on my face.
“Are you okay?” they asked. “Why are you smiling?”
“Don’t you see?” I said. “This is wonderful. George read a

Her most recent book is an exploration of historical fiction for the School Library Association.
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A wonderful and relevant post. Thank you
Frigging wonderful! ;-)
18 years ago from editor: "You do use 'bloody' one or two times and 'hell' quite a few times. I know these are terribly tame words but it would be better if we could replace with something that clearly isn't a swear word as bookclubs etc can get awfully fussed over language and it could affect a potential sale to one of these customers." Not much chance of sneaking an F-bomb into that book! Great post, thanks!
Great post, Dawn. I'm currently writing a book with a main character who peppers every other sentence with swear words because that's how he talks and he doesn't even notice: they're just intensitives. Among them is the F-word which I've watered down to 'frack' simply because there's so many of them I want the reader to barely notice either. Hoping it works! :)
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