Tuesday, 20 November 2018

That Twitchy Feeling - Joan Lennon

A while ago I posted about Front and Back Burners and how seductive Book B had pushed itself ahead of proving-difficult Book A.  Well, Book B is now at the point where I can send it to my agent, and in the time between pressing Send and hearing back, I can finally really get on with those admin jobs and that house cleaning and the filing and finding and folding and fixing ... 

I started on all that.  I spent an entire half a day on such matters.  And then, by lunch, the twitchiness set in.  I didn't have a book in my mind and it felt wrong.  Uncomfortable.  Awry.  I resisted for, oh, minutes, and then succumbed.

I've leapt back in to Book A.  Some of the difficulties have been excised and put into the Deleted Scenes file.  The first third has been tidied, the second third has been revisited, the last third remains a mess.  It's good to be back! 

One of these days, there will be another pause, and I will get all those other necessary tasks done.  But I know I'll need to move fast, before that old twitchy feeling returns. 

Joan Lennon's website.
Joan Lennon's blog.
Walking Mountain.  


Anne Booth said...

I totally understand this! Each time I finish I suddenly remember something unfinished and have to get back to it. Good luck with yours! And I hope you do eventually get the dreaded admin done too.

Susan Price said...

Hooray! No task is as important as writing -- and well I know that twitchy feeling of something being awry because I'm not writing. Good luck with book A!

Joan Lennon said...

Thanks Anne and Susan!