Nevertheless, inspired by my own wayward Gemini star sign and by all the deals displayed at this time of year, today I offer you your very own 2-for-1 ABBA post:
Enjoy or ignore what you choose,
but do have yourself a very merry little December.
- Focus as
deeply as you can on your own writing work and don’t fret overmuch about what
others are doing.
- Create
and guard your own best-suited pattern of regular
- Write
daily morning pages or journal entries just for yourself.
- Make a comfortable writing space or corner
for you and your work.
- Get to
know those small rituals that will help to you get into the writing zone.
- Look
after your own health. Get up and move around every so often. Go for walks.
- Visit
galleries & museums & interesting places and so on by yourself so you
can listen to your own thoughts and make notes or scribble rather than having
to chat.
- Don’t attend
to social media overmuch.
- Don’t
let your hopeful soul be disturbed too greatly – especially at certain times of
the year - when other books and writers appear,
gaudied in publicity and prizes.
- Develop
hobbies, activities and crafts to occupy your hands so you can let your
creative mind murmur along in the background, sifting through your writing
Alternatively . . .
- Read beyond
your own knowledge: in fiction, non-fiction poetry and media.
- Develop
a network of work-based business contacts at all levels; a hard task when you’re
shy, but hiding away never helps. There’s no such thing as a successful
“unknown writer.”
- And do
develop a network of trusted, real-world writing friends for your own self –
and for their selves too! You will need sympathetic support.
Investigate the writing & arts organisations out there, national, regional and
local. Subscribe when it is useful or practical.
- Go to the
most useful-to-you writing events, workshops & author talks, if you can.
- Keep an
eye on the writing world out there, especially book genres that you could or
might want to work in.
- Use
social media to sustain yourself: learn to ignore the lures that cause you
- Speak –
real words not email! - to someone
other than yourself often. Develop non-writing topics of conversation.
- Get
involved in a project close to your heart – libraries or literacy or similar
topics – that will overlap with your own work but also give you a wider context.
- Go
places. Do things. Meet people. Be curious about the world beyond your desk and
make time to keep your well well-filled, okay?
That’s all.
That’s it. You can choose exactly what you need.
Put your
whole self in?
Put your
whole self out?
Or just –
as most of us do – keep the old writing hokey-cokey going.
Rah rah rah!
It’s a good
time of year for it!
Must add
that while suffering, snottily, and feeling sorry for myself, I cheered myself up
greatly by reading a bright new hardback borrowed from my local library: HOW TO HOLD A GRUDGE: From Resentment to
Contentment – The Power of Grudges to Transform Your Life by the crime
writer Sophie Hannah. Enjoyable!
Wise words, Penny - and may your lurgie leave you in peace soon!
Thanks, Joan, Oh, to be as wise as the words! The bug's still brooding but I think, with this next snoozy nap, I might start winning. :-)
Thanks for this, Penny. All taken to
heart, of course!
Good fun Penny. Hope you are entirely recovered very soon!
Dear Penny, thank you. This is absolutely brilliant and I need to read each line several times and apply each bit of advice xxx
Love this! I'm actually going to print it out! Thanks. I heard Sophie Hannah talking about her book on the radio, and it sounds very interesting.
I think all writers fall slightly into Gemini... otherwise how would they be able to take on so many personae?
If you can write this when you are ill, Penny... then what can you produce in full blooming health? But yes we've seen those brilliant blogs too! Will look out for that book and of course Sophie Hannah is the daughter our famous Adèle Geras. A great blog for going into the new year!
Like this very much - shared it - thank you
Really good advice - now to follow it! Particularly certain bits...
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