I was once in a workshop with the writer Jan Carson, who got
us to do something similar. Except that instead of declaring our goals for the
session, we declared our writing goals for life. Actually we wrote them on a
postcard. It was surprising how many people, myself included, had never thought
about their writing goals let alone put them into words.
Which was exactly the point. Because if you don’t set a
goal, how will you know when you’ve succeeded? What is ‘success’ in terms of
You can’t define it objectively because you could always be writing/publishing/selling
more. You can only define it for you. And if you don’t take the trouble to do
this, then you’ll always feel like a failure because you could always be doing
I think a lot of people are reluctant to define their goals
in case they don’t reach them, but they’re probably thinking of goals in terms
of copies sold, money earned, reviews garnered. Things we have very little
control over.
That might well be part of your definition of success. But it
could also be:
- To earn enough to live off
- To earn enough to pay for holidays
- To finish one book you really love
- To go to writing classes for relaxation
- To win the Booker
- To write a story for your kids
- To write something that helps people
- To teach writing
- To be reviewed in local papers
- To be on a panel with your favourite writer
- To do lots of school visits
- To never do school visits
- To be involved in community arts projects
- To encourage kids to write
- To win an award
- To be shortlisted
- To explore your feelings about something
- To get traditionally published even if you never earn much
- To self-publish
Or a million other things. All valid goals. And if you write
them on a postcard and pin them over your desk then, when you’ve achieved them
you’ll know you’ve succeeded. You can reward yourself. You can stop beating
yourself up because you’re not JK Rowling.
It’s also OK to be realistic. Surprisingly few people win
the Booker. But loads of people do really meaningful stuff with their writing
and I think it’s sad if we still feel like failures just because someone else decided ‘success’ means being number
1 on Amazon
It’s harder than you think to come up with these goals. When
I tried, I kept getting mixed up with goals I thought I should have, goals other people have for me, and things I want to
achieve because I’d be embarrassed if I didn’t, not because I really value
those things.
Goals I was sure
about included:
- Have something traditionally published
- Have friends who write
- Always be working on something I enjoy
- Work with teen writers
- Get better at short stories
- Have a day job that allows me time and energy to write
- Never need to make a living off my writing
- Stop when I’m not enjoying it anymore
![]() |
Also one of mine |
Some of these I’ve achieved already, some are ongoing
projects that I can succeed or fail at on a daily basis. I’ve had a book
published by a publisher I love and it doesn’t have to win the Carnegie because
that wasn’t on the list. So I’ve
succeeded already. I’m allowed to feel good. But if I hadn’t made the list, I
might now be staring at my Amazon rankings and Goodreads reviews and torturing
Like virgins everywhere, I think most debut writers go into
the publishing process with so little idea of what to expect that it’s quite
easy to emerge thinking was that it? It
all happened so fast… and generally not being really sure if you did it
right. You have a constant feeling of waiting to see what happens, how far it
will go, how well it will be received, before you can judge what just happened.
And then one day it’s over and you never did hit that peak (because there is no
peak) and you feel like a failure.
But if you went in with the specific goal of getting
something published/getting one good review/meeting five local schools… and then
you got something published/got the review/met the schools, then you did it. You
won. There is no wait and see. You hit the bullseye and whatever happens in the
future, no one can take that from you.
It seems so simple I’ve been wondering ever since why don’t
we do this more? Not just in writing but in any area of life?
Before you get published you'll have 99 problems but goals ain't one. You don’t have to think about any
of this. Because your goal is exactly the same as every other writer’s goal. To
get an agent. To get a publisher. All unpublished writers are equal in terms of
that kind of success and there’s comfort in that. You’re all in it together
and you know where you’re headed.
But once you’ve been published then you have to completely
redefine your goals. It’s like travelling a long straight road for years and
then suddenly finding yourself arriving in the city with a dozen roads to
choose from. And in terms of success, not all published writers are equal at
all. Not by a long shot. So where do you draw your own particular target?
In a really interesting essay on her blog, Jesse Burton
wrote about her experience of being a huge breakout success with her debut, The Miniaturist, and how it drove her to
depression. Her therapist said that ‘When you actually achieve your dream, exhaustion of arrival can set in, meaning that
the usual barriers of rationale and self-awareness and self-love are lowered.
Feelings of imposterhood, fraudulence, guilt, worry, fear, are magnified,
allowed to become far more powerful than they should.’
If achieving your dream
is actually a stressful experience (because do I deserve this? Am I doing it
right? Will they find me out? What if I can’t produce another one?), then I guess
the easier option is just to keep putting off the arrival. Just keep aiming
slightly over the horizon and you’re right back to that comfy pre-publication
state of dreaming about impossible goals. You’ll never have to deal with success
if you think ‘success’ means being on Oprah’s book club (is that still a
So, I don’t know, maybe we’re actually afraid of success. I worked
in a class once with a teacher who used to say to his students when they were
shy about trying new stuff, ‘Are you afraid you’ll be bad? Or are you afraid you’ll
be good?’ Because being good means
you suddenly have something to live up to, for yourself and others.
But actually, if you define it for yourself, ‘success’ just
means achieving something that is meaningful to you. Maybe Burton’s ‘success’,
though probably lovely in lots of ways, also involved dealing with a lot of
stuff that actually wasn’t on her list of meaningful things to achieve, all while
everyone told her how lucky she was.
It seems sad to think you might never get to enjoy what you’ve
achieved because you didn’t take a moment to think about what is meaningful to
you. What would make all this worthwhile to you? It might be something much
simpler and more achievable than you realise.
Either way, decide. And then go for it.

Kelly McCaughrain is the author of the YA novel Flying Tips for Flightless Birds.
She blogs about Writing, Gardening and VW Campervanning at weewideworld.blogspot.co.uk

This is a really great blog post, Kelly! Thanks for giving me something to think about, and some goals to create! Colleen :)
Very good blog.
Thanks guys! Nothing like a bit of goal-setting to while away a morning.
You're so right! A truly worthwhile thing for anyone having doubts in this endlessly challenging business to think about. (I do LOVE your blogs. You often articulate something that's nagging away, half-formulated, in the back of the brain.) I suspect I'm guilty of setting a beyond-the-horizon goal atm. On the other hand, if being a writer, and having writing friends sharing the journey, maybe reaching the end of the rainbow is actually an OK goal. Dunno. But will have a jolly nice time reflecting on it.
I think we do it unconsciously, Rowena. No one sets out to 'win the Booker' but somehow you unconsciously judge yourself based on that kind of success. Very weird. Always pays to sit down and examine what's going on your head! Mine's full of wee sweetie mice, as they say.
A very powerful & succinct blog... in fact it made me cry. We DO beat ourselves up. I've been published and still am... since 1987. (yes I'm ancient!) If I had written down a few goals along the way, I'd be able to assess what I've gained from a writer's life... not just in achievements and accolades but in happiness. We're always comparing ourselves to others... whereas in fact it should be more personal. We should be saying: this I've done and it's made me happy! Maybe it's not too late to reach for that postcard.
Never too late, Dianne. And 1987! Pour yourself a prosecco, woman!
A great post, Kelly - it's made me realise I need to make that list. I'll recommend it to my writer friends too as whenever we get together we all have a tendency to say we feel like failures no matter what we've achieved. I think you've identified the reason very astutely - thank you!
Such a wonderfully helpful and encouraging post. Thank you. It's so easy to keep feeling dissatisfied with writing achievements (even after you've got past the agent and traditionally published bit which doesn't make sense). For me it's definitely partly due to never having defined my goals properly and so struggling to achieve what are really what I see as (or maybe just imagine) other people's definitions of success. You're right, we should all make our own unique lists:)
Thank you Sara and Hilary! I've found it really helpful actually, it just anchors you when you feel a bit at sea I think. I remember an English teacher at school telling me I got 80% in an exam and I said, 'is that good?' He looked at me like he was a bit worried about my maths exam but what I meant was, 'is that good compared to everyone else?' Which is not a healthy attitude at all! I wish I'd just been able to enjoy what I'd achieved.
That's such a good idea! Off to write down my goals now... :-)
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