ABBA-wise, this is my new
year. That is, it’s the second anniversary of my monthly blog posts, and March
has come to feel a bit stock-takingy and back-lookingy.
This time two years ago, for
my very first post, I was new-fangled with having left the day job, with a
work-in-progress (Still Falling) set
for publication the following year. It was scary getting used to a portfolio of
small income streams after nineteen years of a ‘real’ job, but I was up for the
March 2015. The mood was
even more buoyant: I’d just had two book launches for Still Falling, and was busy and upbeat. I was solvent,
enjoying tutoring at Arvon, and looking forward to being a Royal Literary Fund
Fellow, a role I felt confident and enthusiastic about. And most importantly, I
had a contract for another novel, Name
Upon Name.
I’m still solvent, thanks largely to that Royal
Literary Fund Fellowship, which, as I expected, I really enjoy. Name Upon Name came out in August and has
just gone into a third printing. Both it and Still Falling received excellent reviews, and I can look
back on 2015 as a busy, fulfilling year.
I still love tutoring at Arvon, and I’m still busy
with workshops, running a young writers’ network, and lots of school and library
visits. I’m typing this in a gorgeous hotel in Dun Laoghaire, where I've just done a YA Masterclass event with fellow writers and all-round-superstars Deirdre Sullivan, Sarah Crossan and Dave Rudden. It was the kind of event that reminds you why you love writing and talking about writing. I’ve just returned from visiting all
the libraries in County Wexford. Last week I visited five Waterford schools
who’ve read Name Upon Name as part of
a One Book, One Community project. Next month I’m off to Clare to judge a
county-wide writing competition based on Name
Upon Name. Of course I’m proud and thrilled to have my novel chosen for
these ventures.
I mentor several young writers, who are delightful,
appreciative and improving all the time, and I get great satisfaction from
that, not least because of how much I benefited from that kind of support when
I was starting out.
I’ve written six short stories,
which are all out in the world taking their chances in competitions. As I
blogged here three months ago, I loved reconnecting with this genre. And out of
the stories came an idea for an adult historical novel I really want to write.
I should be happy. So why, in
this stock-take, am I feeling mainly discontented and pessimistic? (And, to be
honest, rather shocked at having admitted that. Online. In public. I feel like Scarlett O'Hara when she says that Captain Butler 'looks as if he knows what I look like without my shimmy.')
It’s because, for the first time in a few years, I
don’t have a book deal. I know I’m writing better than I used to, but as we all
know, that’s no guarantee of success. I
have a YA novel on submission; I’m excited about the adult project, but can I sustain
the energy to keep it going with no guarantee that it will ever get out into
the world?
Can I live on hope alone?
This week there’s been a rejection of one sort or
another every single day. As I tell
people on author visits, that’s part of the writing life. Which doesn’t make it
easier to take. Being a writer means I have an overactive imagination and am
given to doom-suspecting and worst-case-scenarios.
I asked some writer pals what they felt about all of
this, and am grateful for the honesty and wisdom of two lovely Emmas.
![]() |
Emma Pass |
‘One thing I've learned about the writing life is that
it's a total rollercoaster,’ Emma Pass says. ‘I used to think that once I'd got
that first novel published, life would be plain sailing, but it hasn't been!
Two years ago, I had my debut novel, ACID,
under my belt and my second novel, The
Fearless, was about to come out. Things were going great! Fast forward to a
year ago, and I'd left my agent (although we're still on good terms!) and was
struggling to find the confidence to finish my WIP. Twelve months later, I have
a wonderful new agent (Ella Kahn at DKW Literary), and The Fearless has just won the 2016 Concorde Book Award. The ups and
downs are never easy to deal with, but accepting that they're going to happen
does help a bit – and also helps you prepare for the next swoop of the roller
coaster, whichever direction it might take you!’
YA thriller writer Emma Haughton (Now
You See Me and Better Left Buried) agrees that the writing life is full of ups and
downs: ‘The toughest
part of being an author is the part you least anticipate pre-publication – that,
essentially, publishing is a lottery. Great stories languish through lack of
attention, while other books are thrust into the spotlight for the flimsiest of
reasons. Dealing with that, not succumbing to rage or misery, requires a great
deal of fortitude. Being a writer is not for the faint hearted.’

One of those pleasures is definitely the support of
other writers who understand these ups and downs. And the other main one?
Easy. The writing. Telling
the stories. Getting to know the characters. Building the worlds. Even if it
is, at the moment, fuelled by nothing more than hope and self-belief. After
all, that’s all I started with. That wonderful sense of having a secret with yourself, and the secret is your story.
And maybe, like Gatsby, I can learn to ‘run
faster, stretch [my] arms out further… Until one fine
And, to go back to Scarlett O'Hara, 'Tomorrow is another day.'
And, to go back to Scarlett O'Hara, 'Tomorrow is another day.'
Let’s see where we are next March.
Tomorrow is indeed another day! You have lots of really good things happening - enjoy them! You may not have a contract at the moment, but your other books are doing really well, so it's most probably only a matter of time.
And I think sometimes we can forget that it's possible to feel down for no specific reason - just something in the air, or in the water. And it's easy to attribute that feeling to the ups and downs of the writing world, and to start to despair. But - it will pass. And my guess is that, in your case, it will pass quite soon - you have so many good things happening. Enjoy them, and enjoy the little moments too.
Here endeth the lesson!
Wise words, Sheena - I think we all recognise what you're going through in the up-and-down back-and-forth writer's life. And I love that your confidence boost comes from Ma Ingalls!
Thanks, both of you! Wise words xxx
Oh, I can really relate to this! But you sound as if you are doing great things on the 'other' side of writing, the tutoring and school visits and mentoring side, which is, lets face it, the more lucrative bit of the job for those of us who aren't JK Rowling! And you still love the writing. Getting rejections is horrible and undermining - but it sounds as if you are doing all the right things. Good luck!
Thanks! I'm now deep into the planning of a new book -- one I REALLY want to write -- and trying not to let thoughts of its fate interfere with the joy of making up.
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