When you have a book
published, your heart slips into an anxious state, especially with a book that
really matters to you. If your book is a “big book” – a title that the publishers have high hopes for, based on your name and
previous sales - you may possibly be
involved with publicity events, bookshop visits, parties, celebrations and
prizes. All gloriously outgoing, in their way. Enjoy your moment.
However, some responses arrive
more quietly: welcome to the written world of Children’s Book Reviews.

Many of the current
book-blogs are excellent - let me know your favourites and/or try out the blogs in the ABBA sidebar - but this open pasture does mean that anyone, of any
age or experience can join in. I’ve seen such reviews on Amazon and – rather oddly -
within some of the Guardian children’s book section links, and despaired.
This “everyone-a-reviewer”
world has brought forth strange creatures: adults who trash a title because
their toddler hasn’t enjoyed a book written for significantly older children;
fundamental moralists calling foul and filth; people who don’t feel the need to
read the whole book first, and even children and teens trying out the power of
their own critical voice.
It's tough, Harsh words do sting the
author, even when they aren't deserved. Sometimes it’s best not to look at reviews at all. I can’t be alone in having the slightly critical
phrases seared across my memory, no matter who said them, whilst the kind,
hopeful and encouraging praise is almost all forgotten?

Maybe your book doesn’t
fit easily into review categories? Maybe every space is taken up by the same
“big” titles reviewed everywhere?
If you wrote a series for seven or eight year
olds, you might have had no reviews. Such small books are rarely important
enough for reviews,no matter that children might love them. And back before the
rise of the Roald Dahl Funny Prize, funny books were rarely reviewed either. Some
of this is changing, slowly.
Another awkward thing was
that once a book – your book!- had had its span of publicity and reviews, that
title was rarely mentioned again. The
book seemed to be sent to the Quiet Corner, along with you, the author. No more
time to make an exhibition of yourself.
That’s done.
So this is why, when An Awfully
Big Blog Adventure had been running a while, we tried to encourage more Book Reviews by
setting up an Awfully Big Review section.
Every four days, a new
review appears, written by one of the ABR review team. They all have experience
in books and children’s literature, or bookselling, or writing, or working with
children or all, and more. Our ABR reviews are about books we’ve chosen, and titles
we’d like to share with people - adults or children - as appropriate. While we
may have a quibble now and again, we don’t do negative reviews. Better to
celebrate the good books!
ABR isn’t exclusive,
either. The titles aren’t just by members of the Scattered Authors Society. Our
chosen books are usually personal copies, rather than free proof copies arriving
in publisher’s jiffy-bags, pre-publication. So you might find titles that have
already have been published, may even be in paperback, may even be - sssh!- a little “older.” Yes, already published
books getting another friendly moment in the sun - and that’s a good thing.

Ooops. I forgot. ABR does,
currently, have only one rule. A title, no matter how grand or good, gets only one
chance of a review. Why? Because Awfully Big Reviews wants to leave room for as
many books as possible, to share the good news..
So, if you haven’t already
done so, please do click on Awfully Big Reviews button – top left hand of the
blog page - and see what’s over there right now. Not forgetting huge thanks to all the generous ABR reviewers too! Happy reading!
Penny Dolan
Very interesting summing-up of what's happened to reviews, Penny - thank you!
So true about the relative volume - and memorable-ness - of scorn and praise. And thank you, Awfully Big Reviews, for the good work you do!
I am going to send you all to my review of Penny's wonderful book, A Boy Called M.O.U.S.E, because I want to make the point that the opportunity to make comments on a review add to it too. So read http://awfullybigreviews.blogspot.co.uk/2011/09/boy-called-m.html including the comments, and then remember to give your own views of books in the comments part of other reviews. They all help to build-up a really useful overall view of a book.
Thanks, Pippa - not for the personal book mention although smiley thanks for those nice words too. Comments on reviews are most welcome.
But just an extra click through to read the reviews will do!
Such an encouraging piece, Penny, reminding me of why I love being an ABBA reviewer, simply to celebrate and spread the word about good books. Thank you!
I feel your pain, Penny! What you say is true. And these days, it isn't only ABBA that gives only one chance of a review. If you're part of a series of non fiction children's books, when te publisher decides to shut down the series, your book is gone forever. One of my books sold out but I never got a cent in royalties because most copies went through Book Club. It's now POD, but if people don't see it in the shops or read reviews, hw do they know it's available? So, it won't get more reviews because nobody knows it's there and nobody knows it's there because it's not getting reviews! I will certainly check out your button. I may have to send your reviewers a copy myself because nothing of mine is currently available in England.
Lovely blog Penny! Which is worse - the big silence or the snippy review? Still trying to decide!
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