Thursday, 14 October 2010

The Write Fight: N M Browne

I am feeling rather impotent. I can’t save my kids from massive uni debt, or help libraries buy or stock books, I can’t do anything to prevent PLR slipping away without a body to administer it. I know there are far worse evils in the world but education, literacy and an acknowledgment of the importance of culture are three bastions of civilisation and they are all under threat.
This is not a call to arms. There are things that make me angrier and I’m confident that I will have plenty of opportunity to get angrier as cuts get more radical. This is more a call to write. I mean there’s not much point in going on strike is there? Who would notice?
No. I am fighting back in a singularly ineffectual but morally satisfying way. So you think by destroying libraries, reducing discretionary income and bringing in a double dip recession thereby destroying the retail book trade you can break me, hey?
I am made of stronger stuff. I will finish this book, dammit, and it will be great and even if no one reads it but my kids ( because I’ve bribed them) and the librarian's daughter (who liked my last one,) I shall not be beaten. We practitioners who deliver culture at the frontline ( sadly a quote from the culture minister) are not so easily discouraged, we will continue to ply our trade with little hope of earning a living wage, we shall defend the value of the written word ( however it is delivered by book, download, or psychic transfer) and we will prevail!
So there. See. Not so impotent after all, huh!


catdownunder said...

Yes, write - but write letters to the media as well. Letters to the Editor can have an amazing impact.
Handcrafted, well researched, targetted letters to VIPs can also have amazing results - but send them snail mail. Snail mail still has an impact. I know! :-)

Joan Lennon said...

"I will finish this book, dammit, and it will be great and even if no one reads it but my kids ( because I’ve bribed them) and the librarian's daughter (who liked my last one,) I shall not be beaten."

I'm going to tattoo that on my forehead, reversed, and look at it in my mirror every day. Thank you for this - I needed a battle cry really badly!

Penny Dolan said...

Sounds like almost the only useful attitude to have at the moment. So go, Nicky, go!

Andrew Strong said...

Man the barricades! Take arms! (Being good stationery, excellent pens and books and books...of stamps).