Monday, 5 October 2009

Wider Landscapes : Penny Dolan

Just when I've settled into checking the copy-edit of A BOY CALLED MOUSE, it's time to get packed and go away for October's Book Week.

So within a day I'll be moving. I'll be leaving my almost myopic study of the dark freckles scattered across my type-script (otherwise known as a collision of punctuation styles) with various minutely scribed editor comments and suggestions. Annoying, as I've just got to grips with the rhythm of the task, which is neither composing or editing in a writerly sense.

Instead, I'll be going across the wide landscapes of the M62 corridor and eventually to Denbighshire in North Wales. It takes time to adjust, just like it's taken me time to adjust to a different email system after a difficult week.

On the way I may glimpse the Wirral where, thanks to all involved in Alan Gibbon's "Campaign For the Book" the dire cuts in the Library Service are being reconsidered. Wider landscapes indeed!

Happy Book Week everyone! So what will you be doing?

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